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Homeschoolers Under God
Support Group
Support Group
Mission: To provide encouragement and support for Christian homeschool families.
First Baptist formed a homeschool group for the purpose of families supporting one another by providing fellowship and encouragement through activities and meetings with a forthright Christian worldview.
Members of the group must fill out an application, pay $40 membership fee per family, and sign a copy of the First HUG bylaws.
We support one another through Mom’s Meetings, Events, Activities, Parties, and a Co-op. Our co-op is not meant to take the place of or provide you with core curriculum; but your students will learn quite a bit in a fun, social atmosphere. Some moms do take what is taught and expand on it at home, but if you are just looking for some extra-curricular fun and companionship in a Christian atmosphere, HUG will provide that.
For more Information, please call or text (863)397-6611 or visit our facebook page.